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*PV system integrator s, *solar power air conditioner system,* rural PV power generation system, *solar power measurement and control system, *solar power warming system projects, *PV projects programs control, *engineering control and software system, * Companies that design and sell complete photo voltaic systems in buildings (panels installed on buildings) or in solar power plants, *and companies that install panels/modules.*Lighting Products* Power Systems* Mobile Chargers* Solar Water Pumps* Solar House ware* Other Solar Products -Companies that manufacture products that use solar products or panels* Batteries* Chargers* Controllers* Converters* Data Logger* Inverters Monitors* Mounting Systems* Trackers* Others -Companies that supply products (apart from solar panels/modules) required for a functioning grid-connected or off-grid solar power system,*Batteries* Chargers* Controllers* Converters* Data Logger* Inverters* Monitors* Mounting Systems *Trackers* Others -Companies that supply products (apart from solar panels/modules) required for a functioning grid-connected or off-grid solar power system* Companies that manufacture solar cells/panels* Silicon Materials* Ingots/Blocks* Wafers* Glass* Film* Others -Companies that supply materials required for the manufacture of solar cells* solar panels (/modules)* Solar Ingot/Wafer/Cell/Panel/Thin-Film Panel Production Equipment - Companies that manufacture equipment's used to make solar ingots/blocks* wafers* cells or panels (/modules)* including: Ingot/Block Production Equipment: turnkey systems, casting/solidification equipment, crucibles equipment* pullers and other related *Wafer Production Equipment: turnkey systems, cutting equipment, cleaning equipment, inspecting equipment, and other related, Cell Production Equipment: turnkey systems, etching equipment, cleaning equipment, diffusion equipment, coating/deposition, screen printers, other furnaces, testers & sorters, *other related: Panel Production Equipment: turnkey systems, testers, glass washing equipment, tabbers /stringers, laminators * other related: Thin-Film Panel Production Equipment: amorphous silicon cells, CIS/CIGS, CdTe and DSSC; Production Technical and Research Equipment etc.
